1.16.01 Policy on Support of the Presidential Spouse; Expenditure and Reimbursement Guidelines Purpose

The Board of Governors recognizes the importance of the contributions made by the Presidential spouse/partner to the University mission and its growth and development. The purpose of this statute is to clarify the approval, review and audit process for travel and entertainment expenses, and other forms of support, for the Presidential spouse/partner. Prudent Use of Funds

As a public institution, Wayne State University must make the most efficient and effective use of funds entrusted to it by various constituencies. It strives to do so in a manner that ensures transparency, accountability, fiscal responsibility, and compliance with applicable laws and procedures. Reimbursable expenditures must support the mission of the University, and serve a bona fide university purpose. A 'bona fide university purpose' is served when the activity or event is undertaken primarily to benefit the university, and when the Presidential spouse/partner has a significant role in the activity or event, or when protocol or tradition dictates attendance. All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. Eligible Support Services


The Presidential spouse/partner will be eligible for the following:



A. A University identification card which will allow access to campus facilities and services (e.g., University library privileges) in accordance with campus procedures.



B. A half-time administrative support person, with office space in and oversight by the Division of Development and Alumni Affairs, for activities that support the mission of the University, and serve a bona fide university purpose.



C. Reimbursement of University-related travel expenses. Such expenditures will be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions contained in the University's Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM) under Travel and Related Expenditures (Section 7, subsections 7.1-7.8). The travel expenses for the Presidential spouse/partner are reimbursable provided that the spouse's presence serves a bona fide University business purpose. An allowance for spousal travel is included in the President's contract with the Board of Governors.



D. Reimbursement of business meeting and entertainment expenses incurred when providing substantial services on behalf of the University. Such expenditures will be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions contained in the (APPM) as it relates to Entertainment and Business Related Expenses..



E. Defense and indemnification with respect to any claims resulting from acts or omissions in service performed to the same extent as is provided to a university employee or volunteer.



F. Business cards.



G. Courtesy parking permits for use at University-owned facilities. Approval of Expenditures

1. The Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs will review and approve the reimbursement of expenses based on receipts submitted by the Presidential spouse/partner for travel and related activities in support of the capital campaign and in relationship-building with significant donors, alumni, and other key supporters and prospects.  

2. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations will approve reimbursement of expenses based on receipts submitted by the Presidential spouse/partner for all other travel and related activities. Review and Audit Provision

1. Presidential spouse/partner travel and other expense reimbursements will be audited annually by the Office of Internal Audit, as part of the audit performed on the Office of the President each year.  

2. The Audit results will be reported to the Board of Governors' Audit Subcommittee, along with the results of the annual audit of the Office of the President.

Legislative History

Adopted 27 June 2014 Official Proceedings (OP) ___: _____