2.43.12 Guidelines for Undergraduate Certificate Programs  

An Undergraduate Certificate Program is for students who are currently enrolled in undergraduate coursework or who have previously earned an undergraduate degree and who would like to add a certification to their current or past degree program. The Certificate Program may be within a single discipline or multidisciplinary, and is designed to provide students with specialized knowledge that is less extensive than an undergraduate major. These programs may be directed at three groups of individuals: 1) WSU undergraduate students pursuing a major in a related field; 2) WSU undergraduate students pursuing a major in another department; and 3) students who have previously earned a baccalaureate level degree at Wayne State or another institution and want a further concentration in a related field.  

Specific guidelines for an Undergraduate Certificate Program are:  
  • Program proposals shall include description, curriculum, admission requirements, rationale, resource requirements, budget, program standards, and evaluation plans for the proposed program.  
  • The program shall be open to regularly admitted Wayne State University undergraduate students who are in good academic standing. The program shall also be open to students who have previously earned a baccalaureate level degree at Wayne State or another institution. Individual Undergraduate Certificate Programs may set higher admissions standards or other requirements for eligibility.  
  • The program shall consist of at least 12 semester credits of courses at the undergraduate level.  No more than half of the required credits for a certificate may come from transfer credit.  Students who have completed their bachelor's degree may apply up to 9 credits to the Undergraduate Certificate requirements at the discretion of the degree program.  
  • The curriculum should focus on content and skills under a readily recognizable theme.  Where appropriate, the courses and/or curriculum should include projects and reports of an integrative, design, or research nature.  
  • A minimum grade point average of 2.0 must be achieved for courses in the particular certificate program to obtain an Undergraduate Certificate. Students must have completed specified prerequisites for each course in order to register for that course.  

The Certificate Program will be comprised only of undergraduate-level courses. All of the credit hours of coursework taken toward an Undergraduate Certificate may also be used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. Additional Undergraduate Certificates for a particular student will require all certificate credits to be in addition to other Undergraduate Certificates. That is, students may not use a single course to satisfy a requirement in two different Undergraduate Certificates.  Credits applied to an Undergraduate Certificate cannot be applied toward a subsequent Wayne State University graduate degree.  
  • Undergraduate Certificates will be awarded upon completion of the certificate program.  
  • The program should utilize existing courses, facilities, and resources to the extent possible.  
  • The usual University approval procedures shall be followed in establishing such programs.

Legislative History

Adopted Official Proceedings (24 September 2008); (29 April 2022)

Cross References

Sec. 2.43.01, Sec. 2.43.07, Sec. 2.43.08, Sec. 2.43.10