2.74.07 Student Fee Assessment; Course Materials and Breakage Fees  
Except as provided in this statute, no student fees shall be imposed without the approval of the Board of Governors. Course Materials and Breakage Fees
Breakage fees and/or course materials fees may be assessed (the latter in instances where a relatively large portion of instructional costs is due to the necessary use of consumable resources); these fees will occur principally in courses with associated laboratory work, or similar uses of consumable resources.  
The funds received from breakage and course materials fees are to be deposited to the General Fund and are to be used by the college for expenses associated with those courses.  
  The imposition of such fees shall require the approval of the President or his/her designee.  
Once each year, the President or his/her designee shall provide the Board of Governors a list of all such breakage and course materials fees.  
Only in unusual circumstances, and only with the direct approval of the President, may fees exceed $30.00 in any course.

Legislative History

Adopted 7-0; Official Proceedings 24:3392 (11 April 1980) Amended(1) 7-0; Official Proceedings 32:4322 (11 March 1988) Prior Acts: Official Proceedings 6:863, 19:2605

Cross References

Sec. 2.74.08